Loran Grishow-Schade, ML, MSSP, MSW


1325 N. 5th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19122




Professional Summary

I am a seasoned mezzo social worker with a robust foundation in law and policy. I have defined my career by launching a racial justice nonprofit, signifying my unwavering commitment to racial equity and our collective liberation. My expertise encompasses intersectional research, creating evidence-based diversity programs, and championing LGBTQ+ rights—deeply rooted in a comprehensive understanding of social policy and service delivery. My award-winning work in university leadership and LGBTQ+ advocacy underscores my dedication to these causes.


ML University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School May 2021 Masters in Law

Coursework: US Law and Legal Methods; General Business Law; Navigating the Regulatory State; Law and Sexuality; Gender and the Law; Federal Indian Law; Leading Social Change

MSSP University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice May 2021

Master of Science in Social Policy

Awards & Honors: Merit Scholarship ($8,400)

Coursework: Research & Evaluation Design; Quantitative Reasoning; Applied Linear Modeling; Economics for Social Policy; Law and Social Policy; Policy Communication; Policy: Analysis of Issues, Strategy and Process

MSW University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice May 2020

Master of Social Work, Concentration: Macro Social Work

Awards & Honors: Merit Scholarship ($15,000)

Coursework: Advanced Macro Practice; American Racism in Social Work; Program Evaluation; Understanding Social Change; Corporate Social Responsibility; Law and Social Policy; Gender and Social Policy

BSW Temple University, School of Social Work May 2019

Magna Cum Laude

Awards & Honors: Dean’s List (Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018)

Honors & Awards

Dr. Andy Binns Award for Outstanding Service May 2021

Awarded by the University of Pennsylvania for “critical engagement, leadership, and impact on initiatives related to gender identity across the University.”

James Brister Society Graduate Student Leadership Award May 2021

Awarded by The James Brister Society of the University of Pennsylvania for “Their intersectional lens [that is] rare and noteworthy.”

True Hero Award June 2017

Awarded by Work and Education Readiness for Queer Youth (W.E.R.Q.) of The Attic Youth Center & University Community Collaborative of Temple University College of Liberal Arts.

LGBTQ and Immigrant Youth Policy Review March 2014

TWENTY, a program I created for The Attic Youth Center, was featured at the inaugural My Brother’s Keeper Alliance Conference, established by President Barack Obama “to address the persistent opportunity gaps boys and young men of color face and to ensure all young people can reach their full potential.”

Volunteer of The Year Award. December 2011

Awarded by The Attic Youth Center for “enthusiasm, hard work, and commitment to The Attic and the LGBTQ youth of Philadelphia.”

Professional Experience


The University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA August 2018 - Present

The School of Social Policy and Practice, SexGen Lab

Supervisor: Amy Hillier, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Affiliated Researcher

Aim: SexGen seeks to build and disseminate knowledge at the intersection of critical theory, gender, and sexuality with a distinct emphasis on research in the fields of applied policy, economics, and housing in/stability.

Methods and Designs: critical participatory action research, phenomenology, ethnographic, interviews, survey, heuristic inquiry, transfeminism, qualitative, marginalia, youth participatory action research, observational, focus groups

Programs: R Studio, Dedoose, SPSS, Qualtrics

Review, analyze, critique, create, and strategize about delivery of qualitative and mixed-methods research on the way to publication from researchers in the SexGen Lab during biweekly meetings, supervision, and individual assignments.

Edit and provide feedback on grant proposals and manuscripts prepared by school faculty, alumni, graduate, DSW, and Ph.D. students before publication.

Write, build, and collaborate manuscripts for publication in relation to Families In Transition research project culminating in approximately 4 manuscripts. PI: Dr. Amy Hillier

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center

Building and Program Coordinator January 2023 - Present

Supervisor: Jake Muscato, Associate Director

Revitalized, broadened, and modernized the room reservation system after a role consolidation, enhancing our event-hosting capacity by an average of 66.72% monthly, increasing the diversity of unique users by 58.39% , all while managing an average of 189 events per month within the Center in a transparent and efficient manner.

Significantly elevated budget funding by 47.92% from the previous academic year, concurrently abolishing fees for student groups during open hours, reducing superfluous booking charges, and decreasing reservation fees by 33.33%, reflecting our commitment to intellectual rigor and financial transparency.

Cultivated robust interdepartmental collaborations with facility, maintenance, and technology management departments, proactively intervening and preventing structural and technical challenges associated with running a standalone, 19th-century, state-of-the-art cultural resource center, encouraging critical engagement with complex issues.

Social Work Intern July 2019-May 2020

Supervisor: Erin Cross, Ph.D., Director

Pioneered the development of University procedures fostering a supportive environment for gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and transgender (GNBT) staff and faculty at Penn. This initiative involved the creation of structural, organizational, and educational resources to equip cisgender staff and faculty with the knowledge and tools necessary to support their GNBT colleagues and students effectively.

Innovated departmental and school-wide training sessions and consultations focused on enhancing support for queer and trans populations, illuminating complexities and fostering an open dialogue on these critical issues.

Coordinated a campus-wide Trans Day of Remembrance direct-action event, which saw active participation from 29 diverse individuals including undergraduates, graduates, faculty, Deans, and members from student centers/VPUL centers. The event was representative of 21 schools, departments, and centers, underlining our commitment to inclusivity and intellectual rigor.

Orchestrated and successfully executed a two-day residency program featuring internationally acclaimed artists Demian DinèYazhi’ and Joshua Whitehead. This event, funded by contributions from 5 schools, 3 cultural resource centers, 4 departments, and 2 student groups, raised over $15,000, reflecting our dedication to fostering cultural engagement and promoting robust dialogue within our academic community.

Conceptualized and launched the first-ever alumni newsletter, fostering a dynamic connection between alumni relations, PennGALA, Penn Spectrum, and current student bodies. This initiative streamlined communication into a unified recap email campaign, promoting intercollegiate and generational dialogue.

Penn Rising Senior Summer Academy Spring/Summer 2020 & Spring/Summer 2021

Supervisor: Sara Bachman, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Social Policy and Practice

Director of SP2 Programming and Engagement

Conceived and delivered six thought-provoking, hour-long educational programs dedicated to exploring diversity and inclusion. These sessions took an unflinching look at complex topics such as capitalism, White supremacy, disability justice, and patriarchy, encouraging participants to engage critically with these societal structures.

Steered the daily operations in close partnership with the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Engagement. This collaboration ensured impeccable support for over 250 participants, fostering a learning environment characterized by transparency, intellectual rigor, and candid conversations.

Teaching Experience

SSWU 4314 Beyond the Binary: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality and Health

Temple University’s College of Public Health, School of Social Work Winter 2021

Philadelphia, PA

Teaching Assistant

Created and executed course content, design, and facilitation for instructor

Provided institutional, academic, and content support for 34 students

SSWU 4314 Beyond the Binary: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality and Health

Temple University’s College of Public Health, School of Social Work Winter 2020

Philadelphia, PA

Teaching Assistant

Co-created and co-executed course content, design, and facilitation for instructor

Provided institutional, academic, and content support for 21 students

SSWU 4314 Beyond the Binary: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality and Health

Temple University’s College of Public Health, School of Social Work. Winter 2019

Philadelphia, PA

Guest lecturer

Gender performativity and objectification in the helping profession

Engendering the Body

Germantown Friends Select Upper School, Germantown, PA Spring 2017

Guest lecturer

Gender performativity and objectification in social interactions

Engendering the Body

Germantown Friends Select Upper School, Germantown, PA Spring 2016

Guest lecturer

Gender performativity and objectification in social interactions


The Spillway - Philadelphia, PA July 2021 - Present


Founded and currently operate a registered nonprofit in Pennsylvania dedicated to assisting white individuals in navigating intergenerational trauma and Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS) as part of a larger effort towards racial justice. The organization's 501(c)(3) status is pending.

Successfully expanded the organization's reach to over 75,000 people both digitally and in person.

Produced a 15-episode podcast series, "The Spillway Podcast," which made it onto the iTunes charts. The podcast featured interviews with notable figures such as Benjamin Todd Jealous, former President and CEO of the NAACP, Evangeline Weiss, Leadership Program Director of the LGBTQ Task Force, and Trystan Reese, founder of Collaborate Consulting.

Developed and facilitated workshops, panel discussions, and guest lectures focusing on PITS and intergenerational trauma, specifically designed for white individuals.

Managed an annual operating budget of approximately $50,000, successfully funding the organization and maintaining balanced finances. This represented an 18% increase from the previous fiscal year.

The Attic Youth Center - Philadelphia, PA April 2012-December 2017

Supervisor: Carrie Jacobs, Ph.D., Executive Director

Case Manager September 2017-December 2017

Employed a developmentally appropriate strengths-based approach, engaged in a collaborative process with LGBTQ youth and young adults to identify problems and then assess, triage, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate the options, situations, and services needed to meet their health and human service needs.

Authored and implemented The Attic Youth Center’s intake and assessment information system; a research instrument used to gather information, prioritize needs and identify systemic barriers of new and existing members. Tool utilized through advocacy, communication, resource management, effective interventions, and meaningful outcomes.

Program Coordinator, Life Skills Center February 2013-September 2017

Created 19 distinct programs and curricula for LGBTQ youth and young adults on LGBTQ history, leadership, film production, public speaking, performance, media literacy, media representations (trans women of color, black, same gender loving perspectives, anti-White supremacy, and AIDS/HIV), anime, and social constructs.

Successfully organized, recorded, and balanced a clientele base of over 26,100 youth over five years; averaging approximately thirty to sixty youth per day through group sessions.

Built and taught curricula through six WorkReady Philadelphia Youth Network internships to over 450 LGBTQ high schoolers on media literacy, film production, systemic oppression, Black Lives Matter, intersectionality, and civic engagement.

Guest lecturer or moderator of twelve national and regional panels on LGBTQ youth services, LGBTQ youth homelessness, trans inclusion best-practices, and queer and trans media representation.

Spearheaded the management and professional growth of a diverse team through staff supervision, comprising six part-time employees and three interns, creating a culture where open debate, academic discovery, and transparent relationships thrived.

Guest Facilitator, Volunteer February 2012-March 2013



Grishow-Schade, L., Gzesh, S.E., Hillier, A., & M. G. Thompson. (2023) Dropping Breadcrumbs for Family: A Phenomenological Study of GNBT Young Adults. Target Journal: Journal of GLBT Family Studies


Grishow-Schade, L., (under review) Preventing White Supremacy: An Applied Conceptualization for the Helping Professions Target Journal: Discover Global Society

Grishow-Schade, L., (under review) Preventing Social Inequity: A Text-Mining Review of 22 High-Impact Social Work Journals. Target Journal: Journal of Social Work

White Papers

Grishow-Schade, L., & E. Cross (2020). Supporting staff and faculty who are gender non-conforming, nonbinary, or transgender. Policy and Procedure. Human Resources. The University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA.

Grishow-Schade, L., Kroehle, K., Hillier, A., & SexGen Policy Lab. (2019). Policy 252 at the 3-Year Mark: How Are We Doing? University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.

Grishow-Schade, L. (2019). Gender, disability, and race in CPH: Findings from the bathroom and curriculum experiences survey for students, faculty, and staff at Temple University’s College of Public Health. School of Social Work. Temple University. Philadelphia, PA. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/SocialWorkCurricula

Grishow-Schade, L. (2019). Bathroom Access Disparities on Temple’s Main Campus. The School of Social Work. Temple University: Philadelphia, PA.

In Progress

Grishow-Schade, L., Without Supremacy or Shame: Operating Your Spillway. Target Publisher: Beacon Press


Beyond White Supremacy: Healing White Men as Tools for Violence Prevention and Harm Reduction, School of Social Policy and Practice Speakers Series March 2022

In dialogue with Benjamin Todd Jealous (President for People for the American Way & former President and CEO of NAACP), Pablo Cerdera (Associate Director, Restorative Practices @ Penn) and Fred Jealous (Founder, Breakthrough for Men), Moderated Discussion

International Sexuality and Social Work Conference, Mumbai November 2020

Challenging Ableism and Promoting Disability Justice in Social Work Sexuality and Gender Education, Lecture

Social Work Day at the United Nations, International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of School of Social Work March 2019

Social Protections for Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Youth Populations, Lecture

Greater Philadelphia Women’s Studies Consortium Student Research on Gender, Women, and Sexualities Conference March 2019

Cisnormativity in Social Work Education, Lecture

Council for Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting October 2019 Inclusivity in the Classroom: It’s More Than Add a Group & Stir, Workshop

National LGBTQ Task Force Creating Change Conference January 2017 Brave Space: Queering Safety in LGBT Youth Spaces, Day Long Institute

Philadelphia School District September-November 2016 Policy 252: Transgender Inclusion in the School District, School and Classroom, Professional Development Training for Administrators, Teachers, and Staff 

Trans Wellness Conference
Beyond the Binary, Workshop June 2015

Drag as Gender Exploration, Workshop June 2014

National Alliance for Media Arts + Culture (NAMAC) and the Alliance for Community Media (ACM) National Conference August 2014

Committing to Accessibility and Inclusion, Panelist

Drexel University Department of Cinema and Television December 2013

Media Matters - a Discussion of LGBTQQIA Representation in the Media, Panelist

University Service & Leadership

University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice 2020 - 2021 AY

Vice President of the Student Body

Fulfilled the duties of the President in the absence of the President, and assist the President in the execution of Presidential duties.

Collaborated with the President and the Finance Chair on all finance decisions regarding allocation for School of Social Policy and Practice (SP2) student groups and the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA)

Routinely partnered with the Community Action Chair, will represent the SP2 Student Body in the General Assembly of The University of Pennsylvania (G12).

Built and maintained relationships with other General Assembly leaders to facilitate collaboration

Attend all University Council meetings to represent SP2 student body.

University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School 2020 - 2021 AY

Board Member of the Student Advisory Board

Committee(s): Mission Statement and Statement of Purpose; Strategic Planning

Serve as a liaison between the Student Body, the Office of Equity & Inclusion and the broader Administration to advise on the interests and concerns of Underrepresented Students. 

Advocate and lobby for Student priorities, both within the Office and within the greater Law School Administration. 

Partner with the Office of Equity & Inclusion to develop programing for the Student Body and other stakeholders to promote DEI within the law school and address emergent issues and priorities. 

Collaborate with the Alumni board and the Faculty board to ensure that ideas and concerns are comprehensively addressed and amplified for systems-level change.

Restorative Practices at Penn Student Steering Committee September 2019 - June 2021

Founding Member

Committee: Hiring Sub-Committee for Restorative Practice Specialist

Identify and implement restorative practices as appropriate and beneficial across campus.

Serve as a liaison between student groups in the LGBT Center and SP2 to the Office of Student Conduct to advise on students' developing or existing needs.

Create Restorative Justice and Practice literature and workshops to facilitate across the 12 schools, hospitals, and community outreach programs within the Penn system.

Established and facilitated best practices when working with individuals experiencing and engaging in harm.

University of Pennsylvania

School of Social Policy and Practice Associate Director of Student Affairs Interview Committee Spring 2020

Associate Director of the LGBT Center at Penn Interview Committee Spring 2020

Associate Director of Restorative Practices at Penn Interview Committee Fall 2019

Professional Affiliations

National Association of Social Workers


Fluent in spoken and written English

