paper Pronouns: They/them


June 2019 University of California, Santa Barbara

Ph.D. in Counseling, Clinical, School Psychology (APA Accredited)

Emphasis in Counseling Psychology

Dissertation: Development of an Online Intervention to Increase Supportive Behaviors Among Parents of Transgender Youth

2013-2015 University of California, Santa Barbara

M.A. Counseling, Clinical, School Psychology

Pre-Dissertation Project: Attitudes of Cisgender Sexual Minorities Toward Transgender Populations

2009-2013 University of Colorado, Boulder

B.A. Psychology (Summa Cum Laude)

B.A. Music (with Honors)

Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Attitude Extremity and Political Party Identification Strength on Perceived Polarization

Academic Positions

Aug 2021 – present Assistant Professor (tenure track), Arizona State University, Counseling and Counseling Psychology

Aug 2019 – July 2021 Goldblum-Carr Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for LGBTQ+

Evidence-based Applied Research (CLEAR) - Affiliated with Palo Alto University

Advisor: Kimberly Balsam, PhD

Research Grants/Awards

9/25/2022 – 6/30/2026 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

$2,272,574 (NIMHD - 1R01MD018051-01)

Title: Modeling Resilience as a Multidimensional Protective Factor for Transgender Health Disparities: Measure Development and Longitudinal Evaluation of Resilience

Role on project: Principal Investigator

1/1/2020 – 6/30/2022 California Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention funding

$260,000 Santa Clara County

Title: LGBTQ+ Clinical Training Academy

Role on project: Co-Investigator/Trainer

7/1/2018 – 6/20/2022 Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Innovation Grant

$550,000 San Luis Obispo County Title: SLO ACCEPTance Project: Affirming Cultural Competence Education &

Provider Training: Offering Innovative Solutions to Increased LGBTQ Mental Health Care Access

Role on project: Co-Investigator

4/1/2019 – 10/2/2021 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

$1,196,264 (NIMHD -R44MD014112)

Title: Simulated Conversation Training for Mental Healthcare Providers to Improve Care for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals.

Role on project: Research Consultant

7/1/2019 – 7/1/2021 American Psychological Foundation’s (APF) 2019 Roy Scrivner Research

$8,600 Grant

Title: Efficacy of an Online Intervention to Increase Supportive Behaviors Among

Parents of Transgender Youth

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

23. Matsuno, E., Bricker, N. L., Savarese, E., Mohr, R., Jr. Balsam, K. F. (in press). “The default is just going to be getting misgendered”: An investigation of minority stress among nonbinary adults. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

22. Puckett, J.A., Domínguez, S. Jr., Matsuno, E. (in press). Measures of resilience: Do they reflect the experiences of transgender individuals? Transgender Health.

21. Matsuno, E., Puckett, J. A., Barr, S. (in press). Stigma and mental health inequities: The gender minority stress and resilience framework. In T.G. Goetz & A. S. Keuroghlian (Eds.), Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse People. American Psychiatric Association.

20. Abreu, R. L., Sostre, J. P., Gonzalez, K. A., Lockett, G. M., Matsuno, E., Mosley, D. V. (2022). Impact of gender affirming care bans on transgender and gender diverse youth: Parental figures’ perspective. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(5), 643–652.

19. Matsuno, E., McConnell, E., Dolan, C. V., & Israel, T. (2022). “I am fortunate to have a transgender child”: An investigation into the barriers and facilitators to support among parents of trans and nonbinary youth. LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18(1), 1-19.

18. Bettergarcia, J., Matsuno, E., & Conover, K. J. (2021). Training mental health providers in queer-affirming care: A systematic review. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 8(3), 365-377. doi:

17. Goldberg, A. Matsuno, E., & Beemyn, G. (2021). “I want to be safe…and I also want a job”: Career considerations and decision-making among trans adults pursuing post-graduate education. The Counseling Psychologist 49(8), 1147–1187.

16. Puckett, J. & Matsuno, E. (2021). Research on evidence-based practice with transgender adults: A commentary on “A systematic review of recommendations for behavioral health services for transgender and gender diverse adults.” Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28(2), 202–205.

15. Abreu, R. L., Sostre, J. P., Gonzalez, K. A., Lockett, G. M., Matsuno, E. (2021). “I am afraid for those kids who might find death preferable”: Parental figures’ reactions and coping strategies to bans on gender affirming care for transgender and gender diverse youth. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

14. Israel, T., Goodman, J. A., Kary, K. G., Matsuno, E., Choi, A. Y., Lin, Y. J., Merrill, C. R. S. (2021). Development and efficacy of an online intervention targeting lesbian internalized homonegativity. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(4), 333–342.

13. Goldberg, A. E., McCormick, N. Matsuno, E., Virginia H., & Beemyn, G. (2021). Transgender graduate students: Considerations, tensions, and decisions in choosing a graduate program. Journal of Homosexuality, 69(9), 1549–1575.

12. Knutson, D., Matsuno, E., Goldbach, C., Hashtpari, H., & Smith, N. G. (2021). Advocating for transgender and non-binary affirmative spaces in graduate education. Higher Education, 83(2), 461–479.

11. Balsam, K. F., Matsuno, E., Friedman, A., Rana, V. (2021). Development and initial evaluation of the LGBTQ+ COVID-19 concerns scale (LGBTQ+-CCS). Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health. DOI: 10.1891/LGBTQ-2020-0047

10. Matsuno, E., & Israel, T. (2021). The parent support program: Development and acceptability of an online

intervention aimed at increasing supportive behaviors among parents of trans youth. Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 17(5), 413-431.

9. Goodman, J. A., Israel, T., Merrill, C. R. S., Lin, Y., Kary, K., G., Matsuno, E., & Choi, A. Y. (2020).

Refinement and replication of an internet-based intervention for internalized heterosexism. Journal of Homosexuality.

8. Matsuno, E., Goodman, J. A., Israel, T., Choi, A. Y., Lin, Y. J., & Kary, K. G. (2022). L or g or b or t: Matching sexual and gender minorities with subpopulation-specific interventions. Journal of Homosexuality, 69(3), 385-407. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2020.1819714

7. Israel, T., Matsuno, E., Choi, A. Y., Goodman, J. A., Lin, Y.-J., Kary, K. G., & Merrill, C. R. S. (2021). Reducing internalized transnegativity: Randomized controlled trial of an online intervention. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 8(4), 429–439.

6. Matsuno, E., Domínguez, S., Waagen, T., Roberts, N., & Hashtpari, H. (2020). The importance of empowering nonbinary psychology trainees and guidelines on how to do so. the Behavior Therapist, 43(4), 137–143.

5. Puckett, J. A., Matsuno, E., Dyar, C., Mustanski, B., & Newcomb, M. E. (2019). Mental health and resilience in transgender individuals: What type of support makes a difference? Journal of Family Psychology 33(8), 954–964.

4. Matsuno, E. (2019). Non-binary affirming psychological interventions. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 26(4), 617-628.

3. Matsuno, E., & Israel, T. (2018). Psychological interventions promoting resilience among transgender individuals: transgender resilience intervention model (TRIM). The Counseling Psychologist,46 (5) 632 – 655.

2. Israel, T., Choi, A. Y., Goodman, J.A., Matsuno, E., Lin, Y. J., Kary, K. G., & Merrill, C. R. S.

(2019). Reducing internalized binegativity: Development and efficacy of an online intervention. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 6(2), 149–159.

1. Matsuno, E., Budge, S. (2017). Non-binary gender identities: a critical review of the literature. Current Sexual Health Reports, 9(3), 116-120.

Publications in Review

5. Huynh, K. D., Colson, A., Matsuno, E., Balsam, K. F. (in review). LGBQ+ community connectedness as mediating the effect of internalized heterosexism on psychological distress: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

4. Bettergacia, J., Matsuno, E., Conner, K. J., Geilhufe, B., Burnes, T. (in review). Affirming cultural competency education and provider training (ACCEPTance): Effectiveness of a queer and trans/gender diverse cultural competency training for mental health professionals. Training & Education in Professional Psychology.

3. Matsuno, E., Huynh, K., Abreu, R. (in review). Development and validation of the trans affirming parental practices scale. International Journal of Transgender Health.

2. Barnett, M. L., Hanan, S., Green Rosas, Y., Feinberg, E., Nunez, R., Chu, A., Belmonte-Ryu., H., Matsuno, E., Broder-Fingert., S. Adapting community health worker care models to advance mental health services among LGBTQ youth. Pediatrics.

1. Matsuno, E., Hashtpari, H., Domínguez, S. Jr., Maroney, M. R., Gonzalez, K., Knutson, D. (in review) "There's no real roadmap that I know of”: Experiences of trans and nonbinary graduate students in counseling psychology programs. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Publications in Preparation

5. Matsuno, E., Savarese, E., Huynh, K., Bricker, N. L., Mohr, R., Balsam, K. F. (in preparation). Development and validation of the nonbinary distal and proximal minority stress scales. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

4. Klooster, D., Knutson, D., Matsuno, E. (in preparation). Affirmative Sexual Healthcare for TNB Youth: Toward a Sex-Positive Approach.

3. Dolan, C. V., Matsuno, E. (in preparation). Safety strategies and the impact of misgendering among nonbinary college students: A minority stress perspective.

2. Matsuno, E., Savarese, E., Bricker, N. L., Mohr, R., Balsam, K. F. (in preparation). “I am fiercely trans because I am the white stripe on the flag.”: Resistance and resilience among nonbinary adults. The Counseling Psychologist.

1. Huynh, K., Matsuno, E., Bricker, N. L., Balsam, K. F. (in preparation). Longitudinal moderators of anxiety and depression among LGBTQ+ adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Additional Publications

10. Matsuno, E., Webb, A., Hashtpari, H., Budge, S., Krishnan, M., & Balsam, K. F. (2021). Nonbinary fact sheet [Fact sheet]. American Psychological Association, Division 44: The Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

9. Conover, K. J., Matsuno, E., & Bettergarcia, J. (2021). Pronoun fact sheet [Fact sheet]. American Psychological Association, Division 44: The Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

8. Matsuno, E. (2021). How parents can support a child who comes out as trans – by conquering their own fears, following their child’s lead and tolerating ambiguity. The Conversation. Retrieved from

7. Matsuno, E. (2021). Androgyny. In A. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The sage encyclopedia of trans studies (Vol. 1, pp. 38-38). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

6. Matsuno, E. (2021). DSM. In A. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The sage encyclopedia of trans studies (Vol. 1, pp. 216-220). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

5. Maroney, M., Matsuno, E., LaMartine, S., Nissenbaum, A., Rose, S., Stewart, J., Guerrant, M., Caso, T., Berney, E., & Pantoja-Patio, J. (2019). A guide for supporting trans and gender diverse students. American Psychological Association.

4. Matsuno E. (2019). Breaking the binary in psychology: How to empower and support trans and non-binary graduate students in psychology. Division 44 Newsletter. Retrieved from

3. Matsuno, E. (2018). Experiences of parents of transgender youth. Perspectives on Gender and Sexual Orientation Diversity. Newsletter of Section 4 of the American Psychological Association Division 35.

2. Webb, A., Matsuno, E., Budge, S., Krishnan, M., Balsam, K. (2017). Non-binary fact sheet. Retrieved from

1. Matsuno, E. (2016). Are you a boy or girl? no: living outside the gender binary. Retrieved from

Peer- Reviewed Academic Presentations

47. Pariera, K., Matsuno, E. (2022, November 3-6). Paths of Acceptance for Mothers of Gender Minority Youth [oral presentation]. Accepted to the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

46. Matsuno, E., (Chair) (2022, August 4-6). LGBTQ+ Cultural Competence Training for Clinicians: Content, Process, and Outcomes [symposium]. Accepted to the 130th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

45. Egli M. R., Brenner R. E., Matsuno E., (2022, August 4-6). Testing Trans Identity Pride as a Mental Health Resilience Factor [poster]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

44. Egli, M., Brown. H. L. P., Matsuno, E., Zucker, A. N., & Brenner, R. E. (2022, March 3-6). Self-Compassion as Resilience: Self-compassion as a Moderator of Gender-based Stress and Mental Health Among Gender Expansive People. [Symposium session]. Association for Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL

43. Matsuno, E., Savarese, E., Bricker, N. L., Mohr, R., Colson, A. (2022, January 5-7). “I love being me”: A Qualitative Study on Strengths and Positive Aspects of Being Nonbinary. In Miller, D. (chair), Strengths, Resilience, and Resistance of Trans and Nonbinary People. [Symposium]. National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Online.

42. Matsuno, E., Balsam, K. F., Bricker, N. L., Savarese, E. (2021, August 12-14). The Enby Project:

Understanding minority stress and resilience among non-binary people. In Balsam, K. F. (chair), Gender out of the box: New Directions in Research with Nonbinary Populations. [Symposium]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Online.

41. Matsuno, E., (2021, August 12-14). Panelist in Ingram Estevez, R. & Budge, S. Engaging in Culturally

Responsive TNB Focused Research: Lessons, Commitments, and Practices. [Discussion]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Online.

40. Bettergarcia, J., Matsuno, E., Conover, K. J. (2021, August 12-14). Educating and Training Mental Health

Professionals to work with Sexual Minority Clients. In Dispenza, F. & Nakamura, N. (co-chair), Emerging Directions: Going Beyond the Revised Psychology Guidelines with Sexual Minority Persons, [Symposium]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Online.

39. Bricker, N. L., Matsuno, E., & Balsam, K. F. (2021, August). Gender minority stress and COVID-19

concerns: A longitudinal investigation [Poster presentation]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Online.

38. Mohr, R. L., Bricker, N. L., Webb, A., Matsuno, E., Balsam, K. F. Genderqueer identity dimensions and

gender minority stress among non-binary and binary trans adults, [Poster presentation]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Online.

37. Sostre, J. P., Escobar, G. E., Gonzalez, K.A., Abreu, R. L., Lockett, G. M., Matsuno, E. The Impact

of Bans on Gender Affirming Care on Trans and Gender Diverse Youth According to Parents. [Poster presentation]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Online.

36. Matsuno, E. (2020, November 6-9). Development and efficacy study of the Parent Support Program: An online intervention for parents of trans youth. In E. Matsuno (chair), Innovative interventions to support trans wellbeing: methods and outcomes. [Symposium]. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 26th Scientific Symposium, online.

35. Matsuno, E., Savarese, E., Webb, A., & Balsam, K.F. (2020, November 6-9). Coping with COVID-19: Longitudinal moderators of anxiety and depression among trans adults. [Oral Presentation]. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 26th Scientific Symposium, online.

34. Bettergarcia, J., Matsuno, E. & Conover, K.J. (2020, November 6-9). A 9-month transgender-affirming training program for mental health professionals. In E. Matsuno (chair), Innovative interventions to support trans wellbeing: methods and outcomes. [Symposium]. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 26th Scientific Symposium, online.

33. Matsuno, E. & Goldberg, A.E. (2020, August 6 - 9). Career considerations among trans adults pursuing post-graduate education. In E. Matsuno (chair), Gender and Career: Unique challenges in career decisions and trajectories among trans populations. [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.

32. Matsuno, E. (2020, August 6 - 9). Panelist in Taking the mystery out of publishing LGBTQ research: Lessons learned. [Panel]. Accepted for the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.

31. Schmidt, C. K., Galupo, M. P., Matsuno, E., & Bettergarcia, J. (2020, August 6 - 9). Gender Diversity at Intake: Knowledge, Awareness, and Skills for Trans Affirmative Practice. [CE workshop]. Accepted for the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.

30. Balsam, K.F., Friedman, R., Rana, V. & Matsuno, E. (2020, July). One ventilator between a straight person and me: The LGBTQ+ Experiences during COVID-19 study. Paper presented at Preaching to the Choir, the International LGBTQ Psychology Conference, online.

29. Matsuno, E. (2020, April 2-4). Identifying minority stressors and resilience factors among trans and non-binary graduate students in counseling psychology. In D. Knutson (chair), Academic spaces are toxic too: Improving graduate student health by centering transgender and non-binary experiences. [Symposium]. Counseling Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. (Conference canceled)

28. Matsuno, E., Bettergarcia, J. & Galupo, M. P. (2020, April 2-4). The Importance of Gender Affirming Therapy. In C. Schmidt (chair), A Training Simulations of Gender-Affirmative Therapy: A Discussion and Demonstration. [Symposium]. Counseling Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. (Conference canceled)

27. Bettergarcia, J., Matsuno, E., Steacy, C. (2020, April 2-4). Evaluation and Efficacy of Training Trans-Affirmative Communication Skills (TTACS) Program. In C. Schmidt (chair), A Training Simulations of Gender-Affirmative Therapy: A Discussion and Demonstration. Symposium accepted for the Counseling Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. (Conference canceled)

26. Ingram, R., Matsuno, E., Minero-Meza, L. (2020, April 2-4). Developing Advisory Boards and Researchers in Trans and Nonbinary Research: Exploring Roles, Relationships, and Power. [Roundtable Discussion]. Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. (Conference canceled)

25. Hadbabny, K., Deneen, A., Matsuno, E. (2020, April 3-4). Adaptation of the Gender Minority Stress Model for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Identifying Athletes: A Theoretical Framework to Inform Care and Policy. [Poster]. Diversity in Sport Regional Conference, Greenboro, NC. (Conference canceled)

24. Matsuno, E. (2019). An Online Intervention to Increase Supportive Behaviors Among Parents of Transgender Youth. In, Creating Safe and Supportive Environments for LGBTQ Youth. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

23. Matsuno, E. & Flanders, C. (2019). Co-Chair of Emerging Areas of Science, Practice, and Education With LGBTQ people. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

22. Matsuno, E., & Galupo, P. (2019). Language and Labels: Navigating Sexual Orientation from a Non-Binary Framework. Round table discussion at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

21. Matsuno, E. (2019). Supporting trans populations through online interventions. In, Emerging Findings in the Development of Culturally Responsive Care with Transgender and Gender Diverse (TGD) Clients. Symposium at the Association of Women in Psychology Conference, Newport, RI.

20. Matsuno, E. (2018). Experiences of Parents of Trans Youth. Poster at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

19. Matsuno, E. & Budge. S. (2018). Co-Chair of Inclusion of Non-binary people in Feminist and Queer Spaces. Conversation hour at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

18. Ghabrial, M., Hashtpari, H., Kase, C., Matsuno, E. (2018). Issues Facing Queer and Trans Women of Color in Academia. Conversation hour at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

17. Matsuno, E. (2018). Understanding the Experience of Non-binary Youth. Plenary session at the Adolescent Mental Wellness Conference: Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Access, Santa Clara. CA.

16. Matsuno, E. (2018). Introducing the TRIM: Transgender Resilience Intervention Model. In, How do you bounce back? Understanding resilience among transgender people. Symposium at the Association of Women in Psychology Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

15. Matsuno, E., Gebhard, K., Lalwani, A. (2017). Transgender Inclusion in Feminist Spaces. Conversation hour at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

14. Matsuno, E., Goodman, J.A., & Merrill, C. R. S. (2017). Mental Health Based on Intersections of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Race, and SES. Poster presentation at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Portland, OR.

13. Matsuno, E. (2017) Recruiting Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual participants through Social Media and Listservs. In J. A. Goodman (Chair), Recruitment Strategies for Psychological Research with LGBTQ Populations. Symposium at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Portland, OR.

12. Matsuno, E., Rorty, M., Dolan, C. (2016). Transgender, Genderqueer, and Non-Binary Clients. Skill Building Workshop at the UC Mental Health Cultural Competency Summit, Newport Beach, CA.

11. Matsuno, E. (2016). Breaking the binary: educating students about gender diversity. In H. Sweet (Chair), Beyond APA: Strategies for Educating the Public About Gender Issues. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

10. Matsuno, E., Israel, T., Choi, A. Y. Goodman, J. A., Lin, Y., Kary, K., G. (2016). Reducing transgender internalized stigma: Development and efficacy of an online intervention. Poster at the American Psychological Association Convention in Denver, CO.

9. Kary, K. G., Israel, T., Matsuno, E., Goodman, J. A., Choi, A. Y., Lin, Y. J., & Merrill, C. R. S. (2016). Reducing lesbian internalized stigma: Development and efficacy of an online intervention. Poster the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

8. Israel, T., Lin, Y. J., Goodman, J. A., Matsuno, E., Choi, A. Y., Kary, K. G., Merrill, C. R. S. (2016). Reducing LGBTQ stigma through online interventions. In H. M. Levitt and B. L. Velez (Co-Chairs), Psychotherapy and intervention research with LGBTQ populations. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

7. Goodman, J. A., Israel, T., Merrill, C. R. S., Lin, Y., Kary, K., G., Matsuno, E., & Choi, A. Y. (2016). Refinement and replication of an internet-based intervention for internalized heterosexism. Poster at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

6. Israel, T., Lin, Y. J., Goodman, J. A., & Matsuno, E. (2016). Online interventions to reduce LGBTQ stigma. Exhibition of practices accepted for presentation at the 2ndInternational Conference on LGBT Psychology and Related Fields, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

5. Goodman, J.A., Matsuno, E., Israel, T. (2016). Creating Online Psychological Interventions: Four Steps to Making It Happen. Workshop at the 2016 Winter Round Table Conference, New York, New York.

4. Matsuno, E., Israel, T. (2015). Attitudes of Cisgender, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals Toward Transgender Individuals. Poster presentation at the 2015 American Psychological Association Conference. Toronto, Canada.

3. Matsuno, E., Israel, T., Goodman, J…Kary, K. (2015). Screening LGBT Participants in Psychological Research. Poster presentation at the 2015 American Psychological Association Conference. Toronto, Canada.

2. Kary, K., Israel, T., Choi, A.Y., Lin, Y. R., Goodman, J.A., & Matsuno, E. (2015). Exposure to, sources of, and rejection of anti-gay messages. Poster presentation at the 2015 American Psychological Association Conference. Toronto, Canada

1. Israel, T., Lin, R. Delucio, K., Goodman, J., Matsuno, E., Choi, A. (2015). Reducing Internalized Stigma in LGBT Subpopulations: Challenges and Strategies. Symposium at the 2015 National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Atlanta, Georgia.


2022 Early Career Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions, APA Division 17

2022 National Multicultural Conference and Summit Rising Star Award

2021 APA Division 44 Transgender Research Award

2019 APA Division 44 Distinguished Student Contribution Award

2019 American Psychological Foundation’s (APF) 2019 Roy Scrivner Research Grant

2018 Award for Outstanding Graduate Student – APA Division 17 Section on LGBT Issues

2018 Graduate Student Research Award – APA Division 35 Section 4 (LGBT Concerns)

2018 Doctoral Student Travel Grant - UCSB

2017 Susan A. Neufeldt Award for Excellence in Clinical Supervision - Hosford Clinic Committee

2017 Travel Grant- Department of Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology, UCSB

2017 APA Division 35 Student Travel Award

2016 APA Division 44 Student Transgender Research Travel Award

2016 Dr. Richard A. Rodriguez Division 44 Student Travel Award

2016 Philip & Aida Siff Educational Foundation Graduate Fellowship

2016 Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award, Feminist Studies Department, UCSB

2016 Semi-Finalist – Point Foundation Scholarship

2016 Travel Grant- Department of Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology, UCSB

2016 Gottman Couples Therapy, Level 1 Certificate

2015 Block Grant – Department of Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology, UCSB

2015 Outstanding Queer Scholar Award - UCSB Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity

2015 Ray E. Hosford Award for Excellence in Clinical Dedication - Hosford Clinic Committee

2015 Hosford Award for Excellent Research Proposals – Department of Clinical, Counseling and School Psychology, UCSB

2014 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Nomination, UCSB

2014 Travel Grant - Department of Clinical, Counseling and School Psychology, UCSB

2014 Hosford Hero Award – Hosford Counseling and Psychological Services, UCSB

2014 Research Assistantship – Tania Israel, Ph.D., UCSB

2014 Stipend Award – Department of Clinical, Counseling and School Psychology, UCSB

2013 Block Grant – Department of Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology, UCSB

2013 Psychology Departmental Honors- Summa Cum Laude

2012 Psi-Chi Membership (International Honor Society in Psychology)

2012 Most Active Volunteer Award- Counseling and Psychological Services


Aug 2022 – present ECP representative, APA Division 17

Mar 2022 – present Co-Chair, Transgender and Gender Diversity Committee

Mar 2022 – present Mentor, Leadership Collaborative, APA Division 17

Aug 2021 – present Member, Advisory Council for Diversity and Public Interest, APA Division 17

Dec 2021- present Committee Member, SCP Awards Committee, APA Division 17

Aug 2021 – present Chair Elect, Early Career Psychologists Committee, APA Division 17

Aug 2021- present Committee Member, Science Committee, APA Division 44

Aug 2021 – present Co-Chair, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, ASU Counseling and Counseling Psychology Program

Mar 2021 – present Task Force Member, Revising the Professional Practice Guidelines for

Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People.

Jan 2021 – present Editorial Board Member, Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity

Aug 2020 – Aug 2022 Member, Everyday Reparations, APA Division 17 Special Task Group

Aug 2020 – Aug 2021 Program Chair, APA Division 44

Oct 2019 – present Mentor, APAGS LGBT+ Mentoring program

Jan 2019 – Jan 2021 Member, Children, Youth, and Families Committee, APA Division 44

Sep 2019 – Aug 2020 Co-Chair, Creating a pipeline for trans and non-binary individuals into Counseling Psychology, Division 17 Special Task Group

Aug 2019 – Aug 2020 Suite Coordinator, APA Division 44

Apr 2017 – Jan 2019 Chair, APA Division 35 (Psychology of Women) Section IV (Section on Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues), Graduate Student Committee

Nov 2016 – Dec 2018 Member, American Psychological Association Graduate Students Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity

Oct 2017 – Oct 2018 Member, Task Force on Dismantling Racism, APA Division 44

Jan 2017 – Jan 2018 Vice President, Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network (SBTAN)

Jan 2016 – Jan 2018 Board Member, Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network

Jan 2016 – Jan 2018 Member, Events Planning Committee, Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network

Nov 2015 – Jan 2018 Group Facilitator, Trans Youth Support Group, SBTAN

2015 - 2017 Member, Trans Task Force, Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, UCSB

2016 - 2017 Member, Diversity Committee, Counseling, Clinical, School, Psychology Department, UCSB

2015 - 2016 Mentor, LGBTQ Mentoring Program, Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, UCSB

2015 Student Member, Curriculum Committee, Counseling, Clinical, School Psychology Department, UCSB

2015 Panelist, LGBT Allyship, PFLAG monthly meeting, Santa Barbara, CA

2014/2015 Youth Ally, Community Leadership Institute, Just Communities, Santa Barbara, CA

2014/2015 Group Facilitator/Presenter (4 times), Youth Connect Conference, Santa Barbara, CA

2014/2015 Volunteer, Everybody Does Outreach, Hosford Clinic, Santa Barbara, CA

2014/2015 Student Member, Climate Committee, Counseling, Clinical, School Psychology Department, UCSB

2014 Group Facilitator, LGBT Youth Group, Pacific Pride Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA

2014 Student Assistant, Hosford Counseling and Psychological Services Clinic, Santa Barbara, CA Supervisor: Dyan Wirt

2011- 2013 Volunteer/Intern, Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Colorado, Boulder

Invited Presentations

May 2022 Invited Speaker, “Intersectionality Matters: Supporting Trans and Nonbinary People of Color,” San Diego Psychological Association, San Diego, CA

May 2022 Invited Speaker, “Affirmative therapy with trans and nonbinary clients”, Institute for Girls Development, Pasadena, CA

April 2022 Invited Speaker, “Supporting Trans and Nonbinary Graduate Students: Becoming an Accomplice,” University of Florida Counseling Psychology Program

Mar 2022 Guest Lecturer, “Affirmative therapy with trans and nonbinary clients” in Advanced Counseling Techniques (Crystal Austin, PhD), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Feb 2022 Invited Speaker, “Nonbinary Minority Stress”, LGBTQ Health Research Program, Columbia University, School of Nursing, New York City

Feb 2022 Guest Lecturer, “Nonbinary Affirmative therapy”, in Reconstructing Gender: Exploring Trans Experiences with Stigma, Mental Health, and Resilience, (Rachel Golden, PhD), Colombia University, Teachers College, New York City

Oct 2021 Guest Lecturer, “2STNB BIPOC Minority Stress, Resilience, and Mental Health”, in Social Justice (Kerrie Wilkins, PhD), University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

Sep 2021/Jan 2022 Presenter, “GREAT: Gender, Resilience/Resistance, Empowerment, and Affirmation Training”, 6 hour online training in radical healing and reducing internalized stigma for Two-spirit, trans, and nonbinary clients of color

June 2021 Panelist, “LGBTQ+ Youth: A Year of Trauma and Resilience,” Palo Alto University’s At the Forefront of Mental Health webinar series.

May 2021 Presenter, “Workshop on Affirmative Therapy Approaches with Trans and Nonbinary Clients,” PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium

May 2021 Presenter and Panel Moderator, “Affirmative Therapy Approaches with Trans and Nonbinary Clients,” University of Maryland, Counseling Psychology Students and Faculty

May 2021 Trainer and Consultant, “Creating gender affirming environments for trans and nonbinary graduate students,” Lehigh University, Counseling Psychology Faculty and Staff

May 2021 Presenter, “Being a Trans Accomplice,” Lehigh University, Counseling Psychology Students

Apr 2021 Guest Lecturer, “LGBTQ affirmative therapy”, in Advanced Counseling Techniques (Crystal Austin, PhD), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Apr 2021 Presenter, “Nonbinary Minority Stress and Resilience: Research and Clinical Implications”, University of Florida Counseling Psychology Program

Mar 2021 Presenter, “Affirmative therapy with trans and nonbinary clients,” in Division 17 Webinar Series

Oct 2020 Guest Lecturer, “CBT Interventions for LGBTQ populations,” in Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Intervention (Kristin Conover, PhD), Alliant University, Los Angeles

Oct 2020 Guest Lecturer, “Nonbinary Minority Stress and Resilience”, in Multicultural Psychology (Soeun Park, PhD), California State University, Bakersfield, CA

Aug 2020 Guest Lecturer, “Nonbinary Minority Stress and Resilience”, in Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (Mallaigh McGinley, EdM), University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

Jul 2020 Co-moderator, “When We Fight, We Win! Implications for Counseling Psychology from Black Intersectional Liberation Movements”, 7th Anniversary of Counseling Psychology Webinar Series

Apr 2020 Panelist, “Academic Postdoc in Counseling Psychology”, Student Affiliates of Seventeen Webinar

Mar 2020 Guest Lecturer, “Affirming counseling for non-binary clients”, in Reconstructing Gender: Exploring Trans Experiences with Stigma, Mental Health, and Resilience, (Aaron Samuel Breslow, PhD), Colombia University, New York City

Jan 2020 Panelist, “Building a Trans and Nonbinary Pipeline into Counseling Psychology: Creating Equitable and Just Environments from Admissions to Orientation and More”, Division 17 Webinar Series

Sep 2019 Guest Lecturer, “Affirming counseling for non-binary clients.” In LGBTQ Issues in Psychotherapy, (Kimberly Balsam, PhD), Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA

Jul 2019 Guest Speaker, “LGBTQ Cultural Competence Training”, Gronowski Center

Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA

May 2019 Moderator, “Experiences of Nonbinary Graduate Students: What’s Helpful and What’s Not”, Division 35 and Division 44 webinar

Feb 2019 Guest Lecturer, “Affirming counseling for non-binary clients”, in Reconstructing Gender: Exploring Trans Experiences with Stigma, Mental Health, and Resilience, (Aaron Samuel Breslow, PhD), Colombia University, New York City

2015 - 2018 Presenter - “Gender Diversity and Trans Affirming Care”, presented to the following groups: UCSB Faculty/Staff; Hosford Clinic; CANDO Youth Group, Just Communities, Wellness, UCSB Career Services, CALM, Cal Lutheran Faculty, Family Service Agency, Behavioral Wellness, UCSB Counseling and Psychological Services, Quail Springs Permaculture, Safe Zone 2, SBCC Counseling Staff, Nevada County Public and Behavioral Health, Antioch Faculty in Clinical Psychology

Fall 2017 Guest Lecture, “Counseling Gender Minority Clients”, Multicultural Psychology

(Tiffany O’Shaughnessy, Ph.D.), San Francisco State University

Spring 2017 Panelist, “Triumphs and Challenges: Peer Mentoring for LGBTQ Students of Color”, APA Division 44 Webinar Series

Spring 2016 Presenter, “Trans in the Workplace: Understanding Trans Identities and Career Related Concerns”, Santa Barbara Career Symposium

Spring 2016 Presenter, “LGB and T? Examining LGB Attitudes Toward Transgender Populations”,

UCSB Grad Slam

Spring 2016 Presenter, “Trans in the Workplace: Navigating Career Concerns for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals”, UCSB Pride Week

Winter 2016 Guest Lecture (250 students), “Gender Diversity” Women, Society, and Culture

(FEMST 20; Eileen Boris, Ph.D.), UCSB

Fall 2015 Guest Lecture (250 students), “Queer Women of Color,” Women of Color

(FEMST 60; Teresa Figueroa-Sanchez, Ph.D.) UCSB

Fall 2015 Presenter, “LGBT Youth and Mental Health”, Express Yourself LGBTQ Youth Conference, Santa Barbara, CA

2014 - 2015 Guest Lecture (3 times, 100 students), “Intervention Research,” Research in Applied Psychology (CNCSP 102; Matt Quirk, Ph.D.), UC Santa Barbara

Spring/Fall 2015 Guest Lecture (2 times, 600 students), “Gender and Sexuality,” Introduction to Sociology (SOC 1; Victor Rios, Ph.D.), UCSB

Summer 2015 Guest Lecture, “Gender Diversity 101,” Psychology of Gender

(CNCSP 114, Diana Copus, M.A.), UCSB

2015 - 2017 Guest Lecture (3 times), “LGBTQ 101,” Introduction to Psychology

(Lana Hale-Smith, LCSW), UCSB

Summer 2015 Presenter (3 times), “LGBTQ 101,” AHA Youth Group, Santa Barbara, CA

Spring 2015 Presenter, “Rape Culture: Prevention & Intervention,” Helping Relationships

(CNCSP 101; Hanna Weisman, M.A.) Santa Barbara, CA

Fall 2014 Guest Lecture (250 students), “Past and Current Perspectives of Sexual and Gender Identities,” Women, Society, and Culture (FEMST 20; Sarah Watkins, Ph.D.), UCSB

2014 Panelist, LGBT Discussion on Religion/Spirituality, Cambridge Drive Community Church, Santa Barbara, CA

2014 Panelist, LGBT Narratives, Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA

2014 Panelist, LGBT Narratives, Human Sexuality, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA

Teaching Experience

Fall 2022 Assistant Professor, Professional Development

(CPY645), ASU

Spring 2022 Assistant Professor, Science and Practice in Counseling Psychology

(CPY701), ASU

Fall 2021 Assistant Professor, Analysis of the Individual

(CED 545), ASU

Fall 2020/Fall 2021 Trainer, LGBTQ+ Clinical Academy

- 40 hr intensive training with behavioral health providers, Santa Clara County

Summer 2017 Instructor, Psychology of Gender


Fall 2016 Co -Instructor, Introduction to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

(INT 94TD; Heidi Zetzer, Ph.D.), UCSB

Summer 2016 Instructor, Psychology of Gender


Winter 2016 Teaching Assistant, Women, Society, and Culture

(FEMST 20; Eileen Boris, Ph.D.), UCSB

Fall 2015 Teaching Assistant, Women of Color

(FEMST 60; Teresa Figueroa-Sanchez, M.A.), UCSB

Summer 2015 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Educational and Vocational Guidance

(CNCSP 110; Molly Steen, M.A.) UCSB

Spring 2015 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Sociology

(SOC 1; Victor Rios, Ph.D.), UCSB

Fall 2014 Teaching Assistant, Women, Society, and Culture

(FEMST 20; Sarah Watkins, Ph.D.), UCSB

Fall 2014 Completed Course, Pedagogy in Applied Psychology

(CNCSP 293; Tania Israel, Ph.D.), UCSB

Summer 2014 Teaching Assistant, Peer Helping

(CNCSP 115; Tania Israel, Ph.D.), UCSB

Spring 2014 Teaching Assistant, Positive Psychology

(CNCSP 112; Collie Conoley, Ph.D.), UCSB

Supervision Experience

Sep 2019 – Jun 2021 Group Supervisor of Doctoral Students, Sexual and Gender Identity Clinic

Supervisor: Predair Robinson, Ph.D.

Aug 2018 – Aug 2019 Supervisor of Psychology Extern, Counseling and Psychological Services, UPenn

Supervisors: Cyndy Boyd, Ph.D. and Michele Downie, Ph.D.

Jun 2016 – Jun 2017 Outreach Supervisor, Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic

Supervisor: Heidi Zetzer, Ph.D.

Jan 2016 – Jun 2017 Basic Practicum Supervisor, Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic

Supervisor: Heidi Zetzer, Ph.D.

Clinical Experience

Sep 2019 – July 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Sexual and Gender Identity Clinic, Gronowski Center

Supervisor: Predair Robinson, PhD

Aug 2018 – Aug 2019 Doctoral Intern, Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Pennsylvania

Supervisors: Cyndy Boyd, PhD and Matthew LeRoy, PsyD

Sep 2016 – Jun 2017 Practicum Student, Counseling and Psychological Services, UC Santa Barbara

Supervisor: Juan Riker, Ph.D.

Sep 2015 – Sep 2016 Extern, Pacific Pride Foundation (LGBT Center), Santa Barbara

Supervisor: Bren Fraser, MFT

Sep 2015 – Jun 2016 Career Practicum Student, Career Services, UC Santa Barbara

Supervisor: Molly Steen, M.A.

Oct 2014- Sep 2015 Advanced Practicum Clinician, Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services

Clinic, UC, Santa Barbara

Supervisors: Heidi Zetzer, Ph.D., Maryam Kia-Keating, and PhD.

Jan 2014- Jun 2014 Basic Practicum Clinician, Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic,

UC Santa Barbara

Supervisors: Heidi Zetzer, Ph.D., Laurel Brown M.A., Wendy Peffercorn, M.A.

Aug 2012- May 2013 Intern, Counseling and Psychological Services at CU, Boulder

Supervisor: Andrea Iglesias, PsyD.

Jan 2012 - May 2013 Volunteer, Counseling and Psychological Services at CU, Boulder

Peer Reviews

Editorial Board Member - Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (17 reviews)

Psychotherapy (6 reviews)

Journal of Counseling Psychology (5 reviews)

International Journal of Transgender Health (2 reviews)

Journal of GLBT Family Studies (2 reviews)

Women & Therapy (2 reviews)

Transgender Health

Journal of LGBT Youth

American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Professional Affiliations

American Psychological Association (APA)

Division 1 (General Psychology)

Division 17 (Counseling Psychology)

Division 35 (Psychology of Women)

Division 44 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity)

Division 45 (Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, & Race)

World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH)
