Preventing White Supremacy: An Applied Conceptualization for the Helping Professions

Preventing White Supremacy: An Applied Conceptualization for the Helping Professions

A New Era of Accountability: ignite the helping professions’ role to unite, reflect, and transform by shattering systemic racism, breaking barriers, building bridges, and fostering community unity with action-oriented advocacy


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Affinity and Caucus Spaces for White People*^

*I have not been able to attend or participate in every affinity or caucus space out there for White people. So, I feel unable to recommend resources based on experience. Please, please, please read Are White Women Better Now <it is accessible with a free profile>. This article provides insight into the current landscape of affinity and caucus spaces for White people. Some of these spaces may unintentionally contribute to a narrow understanding of Whiteness and accountability by emphasizing certain narratives around White privilege, racism, and zero-sum thinking. While this isn't true of all such spaces, it's important to critically examine how these dynamics are addressed and if that’s currently helpful for you.

^ These resources are remarkably expensive. So please consider making your own. There are lots of resources to start your own group, based on the specific needs of your community:

Great Schools Partnership, Racial Affinity Groups: Guide for School Leaders

Robin DiAngelo and Amy Burtaine, The Facilitator’s Guide for White Affinity Groups

Unitarian Universalist Association, Guide To Race Based Affinity Groups

Ali Michael and Mary C. Conger, Becoming an Anti-Racist White Ally: How a White Affinity Group Can Help

University of Washington (UW) Medicine, White Anti-Racism Group (WAG)



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Reflection Questions

slow down and think, feel, and make meaning

Preventing Systemic Racism

Preventing White supremacy means, among many things, working on the following:

Integrating CWS and CRT

How do Critical Whiteness Studies (CWS) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) provide tools for understanding and dismantling systemic racism in social work?

Integrating CWS and CRT

In what ways can integrating CWS and CRT into social work practices lead to more effective strategies against systemic racism?

Emphasizing Group Work

How does group work facilitate the transformation of systems and institutions towards greater equity and justice?

Emphasizing Group Work

Can you describe a situation where group collaboration led to meaningful change in addressing social issues?

Reflective and Transformative Approaches

What role does a reflective and transformative approach play in identifying and correcting ingrained prejudices in social work?

Reflective and Transformative Approaches

How can self-reflection on biases and actions contribute to becoming a more effective ally in combating racism?

Intergroup Dialogue

Why is intergroup dialogue crucial for addressing systemic issues like White supremacy, and how can it enhance collaboration?

Intergroup Dialogue

How does engaging in dialogue with diverse groups help in understanding and resolving racial issues?

Addressing Biases and Promoting Empathy

What challenges do White social workers face regarding biases, and how can they cultivate empathy to overcome these challenges?

Addressing Biases and Promoting Empathy

How does promoting empathy contribute to creating an inclusive and supportive environment in social work?

Shifting Focus to Prevention

Why is shifting from intervention to prevention-focused strategies important in addressing the root causes of systemic racism?

Maintaining Long-term Engagement

What methods can sustain long-term engagement in anti-racism efforts, and how does valuing each member's contribution help maintain momentum?

Understanding Diversity Among White Populations:

  • External Reflection: How can recognizing the diversity within White populations improve the effectiveness of social work practices?

  • Introspection: What assumptions do I hold about the homogeneity of White experiences, and how can I challenge these beliefs?

Facilitating Intergroup Dialogue:

  • External Reflection: What are the benefits of creating spaces for intergroup dialogue about systemic racism?

  • Introspection: How comfortable am I in engaging in conversations about race, and what steps can I take to become more open to these discussions?

Implementing Trauma-Informed Approaches:

  • External Reflection: How can trauma-informed approaches help in understanding and addressing the roots of racism?

  • Introspection: What personal experiences or biases might affect my ability to implement trauma-informed practices effectively?

Debunking Misconceptions:

  • External Reflection: Why is it important for social workers to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about race and racism?

  • Introspection: What misconceptions about race do I need to address within myself to better support others?

Promoting Leadership in Collective Liberation:

  • External Reflection: How can encouraging White leadership in anti-racism work contribute to collective social justice efforts?

  • Introspection: In what ways can I take initiative in my community to support collective liberation?

Advocating for Transparency:

  • External Reflection: What role does transparency play in healing racial harm and trauma?

  • Introspection: How transparent am I about my own role in systemic racism, and how can I improve?

Practicing Empathy:

  • External Reflection: How does practicing empathy enhance interventions in social work?

  • Introspection: How empathetic am I towards individuals at different stages of understanding race, and how can I deepen my empathy?

Importance of Group Work:

  • External Reflection: Why is group work essential for driving change in systemic racism?

  • Introspection: How do I contribute to group efforts, and what can I do to improve my collaboration skills?

Reforming Funding Strategies:

  • External Reflection: How can prioritizing preventive measures in funding strategies lead to sustainable social change?

  • Introspection: What are my views on current funding strategies, and how can I advocate for more preventive approaches?

How We Start

Immediate Resources and Emotional Resilience:

External Reflection: How can providing immediate resources like crisis hotlines and support groups specifically help White individuals build emotional resilience in addressing racial issues?

Introspection: How do I, as a White person, handle emotional challenges related to race, and what resources or practices help me build resilience?

Promote Anti-Racist Actions:

External Reflection: What are effective ways for White individuals to engage in meaningful conversations about race with people who have different views?

Introspection: How comfortable am I, as a White person, discussing race and racism, and what can I do to improve my approach to these conversations?

Create Healing Affinity Spaces:

External Reflection: How do healing spaces within White affinity groups contribute to personal growth and understanding of racial issues?

Introspection: What kind of spaces or environments help me, as a White individual, feel safe and supported in my personal growth journey regarding race?

Encourage Reflective Practices:

External Reflection: How can reflective practices like journaling and meditation help White individuals understand their role in racial dynamics and foster personal growth?

Introspection: What reflective practices do I, as a White person, currently engage in, and how do they help me understand my thoughts and experiences related to race?

Leverage Technology for Engagement:

External Reflection: How can technology be used effectively by White individuals to explore racial identity and intergroup dynamics?

Introspection: How do I, as a White person, use technology to learn and engage with others on topics of race and identity, and what could I do differently?

Shift Accountability to Include All Parties:

External Reflection: What role does restorative justice play in creating accountability that includes White individuals and all parties involved in racial harm?

Introspection: How do I, as a White person, perceive accountability in my own life, and how can I ensure it is fair and inclusive?

Build Community Support:

External Reflection: How can community-building activities foster meaningful relationships among White individuals based on compassion and empathy?

Introspection: What role do I, as a White person, play in my community, and how can I contribute to building a supportive and empathetic environment?

Understand Shame vs. Guilt:

External Reflection: Why is it important for White individuals to distinguish between shame and guilt in the context of accountability and personal growth?

Introspection: How do I, as a White person, experience and process feelings of shame and guilt, and how do they affect my actions and self-perception?

Proactive and Reactive Approaches:

External Reflection: How can combining proactive and reactive strategies help White individuals contribute to sustainable personal and societal change?

Introspection: How do I, as a White person, balance proactive and reactive approaches in my own life, and what impact do they have on my growth and relationships?

Action Steps


  • What is the role of compassion in addressing systemic injustices, and can it be a transformative tool in dismantling deeply entrenched systems of oppression?

  • How does recognizing the interconnectedness of all humans influence our approach to social justice, and what implications does this have for individual and collective action?

  • What does it mean to heal from the traumas of systemic racism, both individually and collectively, and how can this healing process lead to personal and societal growth?

  • What does it mean to reclaim and redefine Whiteness in a way that embodies responsibility and care, and how can this redefinition contribute to dismantling White supremacy?

  • How can the principles of social work be reimagined to not only address but prevent systemic racism, and what philosophical shifts are necessary to achieve this vision?

  • How can individuals access and maintain a sense of their own preciousness and truth, and how does this awareness impact their interactions with others and their role in social justice efforts?

flow into another chute block